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Family Service Centre Code of Social Work Practice (FSC-CSWP)

Family Service Centres (FSCs) are one of the key social work agencies by which Singapore seeks to respond to the individual, family and community problems and needs of its population. Throughout the history of FSCs, the provision of social work services has been a key part of the professional service response. 


The development of a Family Service Centre Code of Social Work Practice (FSC-CSWP) provided an opportunity to best consider :

1. Who the clients are

2. What the problems and the consequent service needs are; and

3. How Social Work Practitioners (SWPs) can appropriately, effectively and efficiently respond to these needs.


The FSC-CSWP recognises the variety and range of cases now presenting to the FSCs. These cases vary significantly in complexity, risk and service demands. The FSC-CSWP clearly position itself in relation to the balance of these three aspects, seeking to orientate the pre-dominant social work effort within an FSC towards a more comprehensive effort in responding to cases which have greater degrees of case complexity, risk and service demand needs. 

Download the code here :

Group Work Practice Guide

What is group work?

Group work is a methodology practitioners use to help individual clients attain their goals in a group setting. It can be regarded as a problem-solving measure to encourage individuals with similar concerns to a space to develop solutions together and learn from each other. Group work can also be instrumental for social change as people come together and mobilise resources to create a more supportive environment for themselves and others. 

Who is this practice guide for?

This practice guide is written for novice group work practitioners. It is pragmatic in nature and aims to provide practitioners with the necessary structure and tools to plan, execute and evaluate group work. 

Download the guide here :

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